+353 (0)89 4578528
If you want extra time please specify this at time of booking. Please remember that 30 minutes grace and 45 minutes waiting time are given from when the flight lands and you should expect contact from the driver during that time so please ensure you turn your phone on as soon as you can.
If you want to make a return booking please leave all the details at the same time as the outward booking plus any useful phone numbers ie alternative phone number complete with international code if coming from outside Ireland.
If delayed in the airport due to lost bags or long passport queues an update to the driver would be much appreciated.
All airport collections are monitored by me to the best of my ability. If you are aware prior to departure of a delay please let me know if at all possible. If a flight is very delayed I may not be able to fulfill the booking as this may interfere with other bookings or if very late at night it may have a knock on effect on the following early morning bookings or may not be safe for the driver to stay out working that long. I will do my best to accommodate you and your booking but in the case of delays I still need to make sure my other customers are looked after and work under safe conditions.
Please note that the driver will try to make contact with you within 20 / 30 minutes of your flight landing so please ensure that you turn on your mobile phone upon landing. However if I am unable to contact you and there has been no contact made by yourself to me or the driver within 30 minutes of your arrival the driver will turn on the meter while waiting on you to come out to them. If after a further 10 minutes (ie 40 minutes since your flight landed) you have still not made contact the driver will have no choice but to leave and look for alternative work.
Please bare in mind that the driver has a living to make and that the first 30 minutes waiting time for airport collections are not charged for in good faith. Please keep a record of the phone number for Child Friendly Taxi/driver with your travel documents.
We understand that from time to time flights can and do be delayed and that this is out of your control. We monitor all flights to keep an eye out for this but occasionally it happens that a delayed flight will arrive at the same time as another booking that is on time. If this happens we will do our utmost best to have another driver available to collect you. Please be aware that this may result in a delay in your collection but this is out of my control due to the knock on effect of the flight delay.
If your flight is delayed by one hour of it original time of landing there will be a €10 charge – this covers the extra time in car park.